Harmony’s Hunters: Book 1

Prologue: It begins…again

It isn’t like in a million years I haven’t see this kind of thing coming. I have been a main stay in PWX for about two years. Given the times I have had to take time off due to my health…but I digress in the matter. I was given a chance to come back and rid the company of the trash that is Tiami Tyler. The past between Tiami and I started a long time ago when I was in a heavy feud with her brother in another company. The Tyler versus Hunt feud continues now, only Tiami is the one that I face. It is about time that I put her pretty red head in a coma…

Chapter One: The Man Who Stole the Show

It was a rainy and cool day in Dayton Ohio, but that never stopped Timothy Hunt from taking a jog around the block for a few moments to clear his head. Timothy had finished his run and rounded the corner to his house when he saw a familiar face sitting on his porch. Timothy gritted his teeth when he made his way up to the porch, the man chuckling as Timothy pulled down the black hood off of his head.

“Typical Hunt. Always running from problems and never confronting them.”

Timothy bit his tongue so hard that he didn’t care if he made it bleed. The last time there was a fight on his porch, he wound up in the back of a cop car. Timothy took off his black hoodie and draped it over the chair that was opposite the man in front of him.

“What? No hug for your long time friend?”

“You are not my friend Daniel. You are…nor will ever be my friend. That is final. Now you have about four seconds to tell me what in the holy fuck you are doing here before I beat it out of you.”

Timothy just sat down in the chair across from the man known as Daniel and he tapped his foot on the cement porch with an impatient look in his eyes.

“I am here because I wanted to talk about what you did to my sister over in PWX. You really had to make a choice to come back didn’t you? Did you not see what Tiami did to Ophelia? Did you not see that she broke her neck?”

Timothy held his hand up in Daniel’s face, which caused Daniel to stop talking. Daniel gave Timothy a low growl and it was Timothy who began to chuckle.

“Typical Tyler clan. Always fighting each other’s battles and not your own. Look, I made the choice to come back because Darin, Tiami and Brian need to be exterminated. Tiami may know how to cause pain, but I also know how to dish it out. If I remember correctly…wasn’t it my sister who beat your sister in a coma pit match? Wasn’t Tiami in the hospital with a broken neck herself?”

Daniel stood up and backhanded Timothy across the face. Timothy broke out in laughter and checked to see if his lip was bleeding as Daniel stood over Timothy.

“You are a lost puppy. You don’t know what you have gotten yourself into, and Tiami will prove that to you this week.”

Timothy just continued to laugh as Daniel to try and take a swing again. Timothy caught Daniel’s hand and twisted it back to the point where Daniel was brought down to a knee. Timothy smirked once more as he was the one who was standing over his arch rival once more.

“This is also typical of the Tyler clan. Always bowing down to people who are superior to you. I have my eye on my opponent this week, but you better tell Tiami this one thing. I will break her in half if she even thinks about not calling this match down the middle.”

“What makes you think she will?”

“I know what makes her tick Daniel. She is trying to protect you, her job and her daughter. What? I typically do my research on my match as a whole. Don’t think I have a plan in place because I do. You better make that clear to that red headed bimbo step child you call a sister.”

Timothy let Daniel go and shoved him out into the rain. Daniel turned to quickly look at Timothy with an evil glare as he pulled out his cell phone. Timothy just rolled his eyes in his head as Daniel got into his car. The car sat there for a few moments as Timothy gathered some possessions that were on the porch. Timothy pulled his keys out of his pants pocket and unlocked the door as Daniel’s car pulled off of the street. Timothy just laughed and went inside to prepare for the match that he had to go to this upcoming week.

Promo: The Hunter of Harmony

Well people need to start doing more research before actually running their mouths. More on that statement in a few moments. I know that all of you lovers of controversy have asked yourself why. Why align myself with Jessica Harmony and why come back to PWX? There are a few things that I must finish. Jessica has chosen her target of Brian Hollywood and I have two that I must help Jess rid this company of. Darin and Tiami. 

Now I am no stranger to Tiami Tyler. This is another chapter in the overly long and drawn out Tyler versus Hunt feud. I did feud with Tiami’s brother Daniel and now I face that red headed step child as my road block. Well I have had bigger and stronger roadblocks Tiami. You are pathetic and weak. Remember that when you make the choice to screw me out of this match this week against Rhonin. If you don’t call this down the middle, I will break you into so many pieces that your brother Daniel can’t put you back together.

As for my opponent this week, you seem to be lacking in something. Letting a woman get to your head is one thing, but letting Ravenna get to you is a complete monster in of itself. You let her get to your head instead of doing research on me. Let me help you with that though so you know what you have gotten into.

I am a former two time hybrid champion. I have trained Ophelia Morganti to be the wrestler she is, but our special ref Tiami broke her neck and took her out of action for good. So now that you know some of the back history, you should know what you are in for. Ravenna better not be in your head this week Rhonin because I am looking to start back up with your name on my wall as a loser that I took out.

On my path to rid this company of The Establishment, I will leave innocent victims. I am a hunter, and PWX now has its official notice to not fuck with me this time.

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